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Advice about your residence status

Where to get advice on immigration law?

Go to the office for permanent legal assistance for foreigners

Do you have a question about Belgian nationality, family reunification, the asylum procedure, your residence permit, etc.?

At the office for permanent legal assistance for foreigners, you will receive initial legal advice free of charge. You will talk with a lawyer and a legal assistant from Atlas:

  • They will listen to your situation and will give you practical and legal information.
  • They will assess whether you need a lawyer, and which documents you need.
  • They will refer you to other legal services.


Filet Divers
Rolwagenstraat 49
2018 Antwerpen

If you come by tram or bus, please check Google maps.


You can come without an appointment on:

  • Tuesdays
  • Thursdays

The consultation hours are from 13:00 until 15:00.
The office will be closed on Tuesday 18 July and Thursday 20 July.

Please note:

  • Come alone or with an interpreter.
  • Arrive on time. Staff members can only help a limited number of people. If it is too busy, please come back another day.
  • Have you submitted an application to the city of Antwerp? Have you been waiting for a response for a long time?
    Staff members of the office for permanent legal assistance for foreigners cannot help you. The office for permanent legal assistance for foreigners is not a service of the city of Antwerp. They cannot give you information about your case. The Migration Office is experiencing delays with processing applications. For more information, please read this article.

What to bring?

  • Your residence permit
  • Any documents relevant to your situation, e.g.:
    • documents containing a decision
    • proof of income for a lawyer
    • a certificate of family composition for a lawyer
    • any other documents

If you are unsure about which documents to bring, please contact the information point for residency and legal status:

In which languages is advice given?

Advice is given in Dutch, French or English.
If you do not speak Dutch, French or English, please bring someone who can interpret.
There are no interpreters present at the office for permanent legal assistance for foreigners.

What if you cannot come to the office for permanent legal assistance for foreigners?

Do you need a Pro Bono lawyer specialising in immigration law?

Contact the Bureau voor juridische bijstand (The Bureau for Legal Assistance).


Please note: you need the following documents:

  • a proof of income
  • a certificate of family composition